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  p1020281.jpg - A rare picture in which you can see my students, but only from a distance where none of them can be identified.  All the ichinensei (first year students) go on a single day of camping where they have to work together to make fires and then use them to prepare rice and curry, or yakisoba, or some kind of lunch.  And that's what they get to eat.  It's a pretty cool trip and it's how they get to know each other and rely on each other.  

A rare picture in which you can see my students, but only from a distance where none of them can be identified. All the ichinensei (first year students) go on a single day of camping where they have to work together to make fires and then use them to prepare rice and curry, or yakisoba, or some kind of lunch. And that's what they get to eat. It's a pretty cool trip and it's how they get to know each other and rely on each other.
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